I have been pretty strict with the diet, with the exception of 3 days (Stampede and my sister's birthday party), where I was still conscious about what I was eating, but did have some treats and cake! I definitely felt the difference in my stomach though after eating those.. Honestly I cannot believe the difference in how I feel after only 2 weeks! I have also been very consistent with the supplements you provided. As for walking, we have actually been packing and moving everyday, so I've been "physically active" in that way, since we are moving everything ourselves. Once we are fully moved over, I 100% plan on adding daily walks to my daily routine. 90oz of water has been a breeze, especially through moving in this extreme heat :)  As a bonus, I have lost 5 lbs and I GOT MY PERIOD ON SATURDAY!!!

So to summarize, I still have a long way to go, but I am blown away by the difference in how I feel. I don't crave sugar as much as I used to, and stopping coffee hasn't been as tough as I thought it would be.

I look forward to our appointment next week :)

Elizabeth K